Trying To Conceive But Not getting any Success : Many couples like you who try to conceive have some questions like how many times a...
Trying To Conceive But Not getting any Success: Many couples like you who try to conceive have some questions like how many times a week we need to have sex, trying to conceive how long lie down, what are the health tips who trying to Conceive when trying to conceive what to do after intercourse, etc...
When you decide to try to have children, active and happy sex life will be what most couples need to have a pregnancy. This tip is at the top of the list of tips to "have a happy sex life." Some couples with fertility problems do not have enough sex times to give themselves a better chance of having children.
Understanding a woman's monthly fertility cycle can be helpful. But
there is no need to timing sex at times near your cycle. Simply the best
is having sex several times during the month.
Read the following tips that may change your life:
Monthly Fertility Cycle
Hormonal changes in a woman's body cause the ovaries to release one
egg. This egg passes through the fallopian tube that connects the ovaries
to the uterus. This is called ovulation.
Deciding about pregnancy is the most important decision of a couple
The possibility of pregnancy is greater if you have sex on or about the
day of ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs about 14 days after the first
day of your last period.
The egg lives for 12-24 hours after it is released. In order to
conceive, sperm must fertilize the egg at this time. Sperm can live for up
to seven days inside the body, which means that the egg is fertilized often by
the sperm that entered the body before it released the egg.
Sex and Pregnancy
If you want to get pregnant, having sex every two or three days
throughout the month will give you a better chance of pregnancy.
You don't need to have sex close to your ovulation date. Trying to
do this can be stressful, meaningless exercise fatigue for sex.
"Some people buy special groups or use temperature charts, to try
to monitor the ovulation period," says Ledger.
"But maintaining the temperature charts can be difficult and not
always reliable, and both sets and charts can be unnecessarily worrying and
without much benefit.
"Knowing the day of ovulation is accurate only if you want to have
sex on that day, make your goal less stressful and more enjoyable, and it should
be a happy time."
How Much Time do you need to get pregnant?
Pregnancy will occur in 9 of the 10 pairs of women under the age of 35
naturally after one year of unprotected regular sex.
See your doctor if you are trying for a year or more and pregnancy has
not occurred. Your doctor can perform tests to help identify potential
fertility problems and advise you on next steps.
If your female partner is over 35 years old, or if you already have problems, such as an ectopic pregnancy or surgery that may affect your
fertility, seek help immediately. Read More about Protecting Your Fertility
Foods to eat for Fertility
- Salmon Fish
- Oyster
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